LOL loss of licence insurance for pilots, (also known as income disability)

Being a professional pilot can be a challenging and demanding job. 

A minor accident or a medical condition could potentially jeopardise your future financial wellbeing a a commercial airline pilot. That is why we have an insurance plan to provide peace of mind for passionate pilots like you. Now, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from any financial risk and fly without worries. Loss of licence (also known as income disability) is possibly the most important cover any pilot can have. Small health issues can result in not passing your medical and therefore losing your licence.



  • For the permanent loss of licence covers you in case of the permanent suspension of your certificate due to an accident or an illness, causing you to cease your activity as a professional  pilot. You get covered on and off duty, in case of illness or accident, until your retirement age.


  • For the temporary loss of licence covers you in case of the temporary suspension of your certificate due to an accident or an illness, causing you to temporary cease your activity as a professional pilot. You get covered on and off duty, in case of illness or accident, until your retirement age.


just fill in a questionnaire


Stefanou Jason

Thiseos Av 214 Kallithea Athens Greece

17675 postal code

Office +30 2119558500

Mobile +30 6986696202
